minutes read  |  Daria Kerancheva

Why Do I Need a Website When I Have an Offline Marketing Campaign?

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Why Do I Need a Website When I Have an Offline Marketing Campaign?

Staying competitive and relevant in the marketplace is a difficult job in today's world. Many years ago, some businesses only needed exposure on a local level in order to be successful. Having a presence in just your section of town or city was good enough. That is very rarely the case anymore.

Having a great offline marketing campaign can be very beneficial and bring great results. However, most traditional methods of marketing via print, radio and television are very expensive compared to having a website. Traditional methods also reach a limited audience and most often an audience that is not targeted, meaning they may or may not have any interest at all in your service or product.

Having a website can offer you many advantages in marketing that most traditional offline methods just cannot compete with in both exposure and cost.

Advantages of a Business Website

A business website allows a lot of flexibility when it comes to giving your business the exposure it needs. With the advancements in technology, maintaining a site has become much easier and much more cost effective than ever before. A website can deliver an excellent interactive experience to your potential customers and save your business time and money. A business website is much more than just an electronic billboard with your name on it. It can be used to display complete information about your products and services, as well as necessary information about you and your business.

You can use your website to capture information about your customers such as demographic information, contact information and what your customers want or need. You can display attractive, vibrant photos and videos that highlight the best features of your products and services. It also allows you to accept transactions and interact with your customers 24 hours a day without additional costs.

Traditional offline advertising methods just do not offer the broad exposure and flexible options that a website can deliver. Not to mention, a website is very affordable for every business regardless of size.

Website Benefits for Your Business

  • 24 hours per day, 7 days a week exposure at very low cost
  • Save money and increase efficiency
  • Accept transactions online
  • Unlimited space to display your products and services
  • Complete control over your marketing message and what target audience
  • Provides an interactive experience for potential customers
  • Allows customers constant access to your promotions without buying additional ad space
  • Your competitors probably have a website
  • Customers demand the convenience and advantages of doing business online
  • Allows you to completely explain the features and benefits of your business offerings without taking additional staff or customer time
  • Very cost-efficient relative to offline marketing methods

Advantages for Your Customers

Not only does a website offer your business operation advantages in efficiency, it also offers your customers advantages. Customers now demand the convenience of being able to view your business offerings online from the computer or mobile device. They do not want to be forced to make a phone call or physically visit your place of business to see what you can offer them.

If you make doing business easy and convenient, then customers are likely to return and do more business repeatedly. If you force customers to take a lot of time out of their day, then they are likely to seek a solution elsewhere. Additionally, by saving money through marketing efforts on your website instead of traditional advertising methods, you may be able to offer your customers value added services or discounts that were not possible before. This will increase their loyalty and help make them long term customers.

With all of the various online options in almost every market offered to customers today, it is important to stay relevant and competitive with other business competing for the same customers. Having that small, friendly business feeling that local customers will appreciate is always a great thing, but to stay profitable and give customers what they now demand, a business website is necessary.

Easier for You and Easier for Your Customers

In very simple terms, offering your products and services to customers via a website is just simply easier for them and you. It provides greater efficiency and lower expense for your business and it allows customers to make transactions with you in the easiest way possible. If you choose a quality website design provider, they will make developing and implementing a website into your business operations easy and cost effective.

Don’t get us wrong. Offline marketing campaigns will bring value to your business. For many companies its indispensable part of their success. However, online marketing becomes vital and is affordable for business of any size. An online marketing campaign usually starts and ends with your website. If you can afford both, online and offline campaigns, then you will not only reach a broader audience, but also you can benefit from the synergic effects.

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