4 minutes read  |  Chris Ryan Kingston

How To Pick A Domain For Your Businesses Website

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How To Pick A Domain For Your Businesses Website

The website domain is a core fundamental for any website. Without it, there is no way for a visitor to find your website. It can be seen as a somewhat stressful process when deciding on a domain name for the website of a business, but in this blog post, we are going to break it down into easy to understand sections, detailing exactly what a domain is, why it is important, how to pick one and the factors to take into account upon choosing your new website domain name.

Did you know that in Q1 of 2020, 366.8 million domain names were registered! That is an increase of 14.9 million, or 4.2 percent, year over year.

What Is A Domain & Why Is It Important?

By definition: A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are used in various networking contexts and for application-specific naming and addressing purposes.

In simpler terms, a domain name is the name of your website. It is how people view your website online and the way in which they are able to search and access it. Think of a domain name as a bridge between your website and the customers you are trying to reach. Without that bridge, there is no way for either of you to reach each other.

Alongside adding credibility to any business, a domain name is what separates your business from the next. Just like a storefront window or a brand name, a good domain name will create awareness for your business and attract new customers.

A domain name also shows that your business is tech-savvy. Whether you sell your products or services online or not, it is important to establish your presence online and plant your businesses' flag in the ground of the online world! Another important consideration about domain names is that unlike traditional marketing, as long as you continue to pay the often low annual fees, your domain name will never expire. It is working and active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Now, as much as a domain name in and of itself is important, the real importance comes when choosing which one to go for. Continue reading to find out our best practices for choosing your new domain.

How To Pick A Domain & The Factors To Consider

So, you are ready to take your business online and open the floodgates to a whole new world of opportunities for growth and expansion. Let’s dive right into exactly how to pick your domain.

The most common way to pick a domain is to purchase one from a domain registrar. A domain name registrar is a company that manages the reservation of Internet domain names, meaning you can type the domain name you wish to purchase and they will show you whether it is available or not. They will also provide you with recommendations of which top-level domain (.com/.net/.org etc.) to choose.

Did you know that we offer the option to choose a domain name when hosting your website with us? For only $25 per year.

Once you are ready to go ahead and purchase your domain and you have chosen your domain registrar, then it is time to pick exactly what domain name you want. Now, there are a number of factors to consider, which we have gone over in detail below.

Choose between your company name or a keyword-rich domain name

In an ideal world, you would brand your website around your business, so you can have consistency for your customers, but that's not always the case and not the only option.

A keyword-rich domain name incorporates the terms that you want to rank for. This can help with your websites SEO (search engine optimization) and we recommend that you do spend some time researching the best phrases before making a purchase if you decide to go down this route.

Keep It Simple

When it comes to domain names, there are two key things to remember- simplicity and effectiveness. A simple domain name is going to be easier to remember and easier to tell others, and this is going to prove a lot more effective. The chances are, no one is going to remember a domain name that is 30-40 characters long and split up with multiple hyphens.

It is also important to note that your website address should be able to easily fit on something like a business card or piece of marketing material. The longer it is, the less universally accessible it is going to be.

Throw everything that isn’t characters in the trash!

The last factor leads us nicely into this one. Avoid using hyphens, numbers and other weird configurations. They do not look aesthetically pleasing and will lead to people forgetting how to type it. A single hyphen is okay, but remember, the more complex the domain name, the harder it is going to be for your customers to search for it.

It would be incredibly frustrating if your business was to receive a large order from a customer, but in the end didn't, simply because they forgot your domain name.

It is best to stick with a common top-level domain name

The most commonly used top-level domain option is .com. We recommend that if you are not a non-profit or other similar organization, to stick with something like this. Other top-level domains such as .tv or .io are less commonly used and less mainstream.


So, those are our best practices for choosing your new website domain name. Now if you are looking for a smooth setup, then VEVS Business Software & Website is the perfect web solution if you would like to save time, money, and efforts! You will be able to have everything in one place - domain registration, setup, hosting, reliable online support, and on-demand customizations.

If you would like to learn more, then click here.

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